Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Since when are the words "Mom" and "Dad" "discriminatory language"? Honestly, I don't usually just call something stupid here at the Meow. I do try to see things from other people's perspectives, but THIS IS JUST PLAIN STUPID!!

Nurses and other health care professionals should avoid using the terms `mom’ and `dad’ to refer to family relationships since the terms could be offensive to homosexual couples with children, a new directive published by Scotland’s National Health Service recommends.

Issued in conjunction with the country’s leading homosexual activist organization Stonewall Scotland, the publication is entitled Fair For All - The Wider Challenge: Good LGBT Practice in the NHS.

I thought the Scottish had a reputation for practicality. Redefining an absolute reality, i.e., children have parents, just so some people can pretend that there isn't a normal biological way the human race continues, is utter lunacy. What are they going to call Mother's Day? Non-Gender-Specific Parental Unit Day? Maybe that would still be too discriminatory. Maybe they should call it Human-of-Influence Day, or perhaps that would be too speciesist and would offend the other higher order mammals. It would probably be best not to recognize relationships at all.

I don't care what Scotland’s National Health Service, or any other governmental body, activist organization, or lobbyist group says. My Mom is my MOM, and I'm not going to pretend otherwise just so people who structure their relationships in some other way than the traditional family unit won't be offended. No matter whether I agree with their lifestyle choices or not, I'm not demanding they change their lifestyle standards to please me, nor, I might add, do most people in democratic societies, and yet they want most of humanity to change reality to please them? How is that "Fair For All"? Tolerance is a two way street, or at least it should be.

Note: I got the link from the blog Stop the ACLU, but the article referenced came from LifeSite, and is longer, with more of the National Health Service text. It's worth reading the expanded article.

Hat tip: The Truth Laid Bear